About Me

Hi, my name is Martha Harper and welcome to kilauealighthouse.org! When I was a kid, I would always ask my father to take a picture of me whenever we pass by a lighthouse. Growing up in Michigan, there will never be a time when you won’t see a lighthouse when you drive around the city. Michigan has around 140 lighthouses, and that makes it the perfect city for lighthouse enthusiasts. I have always wanted to live in a lighthouse and see the view from above. So, when I had the opportunity of my lifetime, I purchased one of the lighthouses in the city and moved there immediately.

Klauealighthouse.org will change your perception of lighthouses. I will share with you what is it like to live in one of the most amazing buildings ever created. I will show you around my house, and of course, I will share the view from the top with you.

Living in a lighthouse com is very different from living in regular houses. Watch out for articles on how I decorated my lighthouse, maintenance, and how to maximize the space especially if you plan to live there with some people. I regularly post, so make sure to subscribe to our feeds for updates.